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Mental Illness – Dr. David Long

Mental Illness Summary

• Mental illness is a serious problem affecting people of all ages, genders, races, and religions.
• According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five adults in the United States experiences mental illness in a given year.
• Unfortunately, there’s still a stigma surrounding mental illness that prevents many people from seeking the help they need.
• Mental illness is treatable through medication, therapy and support groups.
• If someone is suffering from mental illness seek professional help; treatment is available and things can get better.

Full Text

Mental illness is often dismissed as something that only exists in the minds of those who are weak. But the reality is that mental illness is a very real and very serious problem that affects people of all ages, genders, races, and religions. 

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, one in five adults in the United States experiences mental illness in a given year. Unfortunately, there’s still a stigma surrounding mental illness that prevents many people from seeking the help they need. 

People with mental illness are often made to feel like they’re crazy or unstable, which only serves to further isolate them and prevent them from getting the help they need. One of the most important things to remember about mental illness is that it’s treatable. 

There are many different types of treatment available, including medication and therapy and support groups. Mental illness is a real problem that should not be ignored. If you or someone you know suffers from mental illness, please seek help from a professional. 

Remember, you are not alone in this fight. Millions of people suffer from mental illness, but treatment is available and things can get better. 

I’m Dr. David Long. That was the long story short.

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