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Gratitude – Dr. David Long


• Practicing gratitude can lead to improved physical and mental health.
• A great way to practice gratitude is to keep a journal and write thank you notes.
• Volunteering your time and energy to help others also increases one’s sense of happiness and wellbeing.
• Taking a few moments each day to think about all the things one is grateful for can make a world of difference in attitude.

Expressing Gratitude is Powerful

Most of us are constantly thinking about what we have to do next. We rarely take time to stop and think about what we’re grateful for. However, studies have shown that taking even a few moments each day to practice gratitude can have profound effects on our mind and body. 

Including improved health and energy, reduced chronic pain and fatigue, lower levels of anxiety and depression, and better sleep quality. So how can you practice gratitude? 

One of the simplest and most effective ways to practice gratitude is to start a gratitude journal. The habit of taking time each day to acknowledge the good things in your life can make a world of difference. 

In addition to expressing gratitude for the good things in your own life, don’t forget to express it to others as well and make them feel appreciated. A great way to do this is by writing thank you notes. 

Another great way to practice gratitude is by giving back to your community. When we volunteer our time and energy to help others, we not only make the world a better place, but we also increase our own sense of happiness and wellbeing. 

The next time you find yourself feeling stressed or overwhelmed, take a few moments to think about all the things you’re grateful for. You might be surprised at how much better you feel afterwards. 


I’m Dr. David Long, that was the long story short!

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